Every Life is Priceless

Every Life is worth

Fighting For

Volunteers needed

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A Defining Opportunity

Will you consider being a part of an effective and meaningful ministry?

Thousands of Unborn Children Saved

Families Forever Transformed by Life

Generations Impacted by one Pregnancy Decision at a Time

Reaching our world

We have already served families from 50 different nations, truly giving us a global impact. We reach college and high school students, refugees, immigrants, single, married and our poor who come from many religious and demographic backgrounds.

Why is Clearway Needed?

  • Our communities need an alternative ethical and professional medical solution to abortion clinics. Some women simply need a place to process through their options with professional support. Options counseling is a necessary service for women facing unplanned pregnancy.
  • Women who choose abortion often see it as their only option. Many will choose to keep their baby if they are given help and hope in their situation. This affords us a natural opportunity to support them physically, emotionally and spiritually.


  • Our leadership team has a long track record of success and a deep commitment to reach our 2023 goal.
  • We maintain very low overhead to maximize our partners’ mission investment.
  • We have introduced a systematic process to deploy volunteers to maintain low overhead while still growing exponentially.
  • We have achieved 5 year continuous growth in our financial foundation.
  • As a licensed clinic, we are a platform for many medical professionals to volunteer.
  • We have successfully implemented a technology platform that enables us to manage a sizeable growth in patients.

As a pregnant woman you have to make a choice

“Our commitment to our supporters includes transparency, accountability and effectiveness”